Great Golf Games

Welcome to Great Golf Games

Don't you think golf gets a little boring without some kind of "action" on the side to spice up the competition? Without it, you're just smackin' a ball around that you then have to go find after you've hit it.

There's nothing like the satisfaction of watching your buddies pry open their wallets while the dead presidents rub their eyes as they adjust to the seldom seen light of day.

So, if you're looking for some fun games to take to your next round with your buddies, we offer the following suggestions to spice up your own competition!!

Skip to the Games Table below

Some of these games may be new to you and some you might recognize as just hiding behind different names. But all can be played by any name familiar to you, and also by any variations and modifications that best suit your group.

We’ve broken them down into a page of:

Golf Games for Individuals

Golf Games for Threesomes

Golf Games for Foursomes

Many of these games can be used in combination with one another, and although we broke them down for the usual group sizes, with a few small modifications many can also be used in almost any size group, so be sure to check each page to see if any of our game suggestions appeal to you and your group.

You can become the favored group member when you bring new spice to the group's game with entertaining and competitive competitions the group might enjoy. So, go bold and try a few new games in your coming rounds.

The games for individuals and groups will have players accumulating points on their own, and the team games obviously have players collecting team points.

We have purposefully set no point values to any of these games as what and how much you play for is entirely up to your group’s agreement.

Golf Games to Spice-Up Your Rounds

All of these games can be played with or without handicap depending on the index disparity between players, and/or what the group agrees to do.

Does your group play any games you don't see on our pages?

If so, share them with the rest of us by submitting them in The Form below.

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Click here for Golf Games for Individuals

Click here for Games for Threesomes

Click here for Games for Foursomes

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Your Favorite Golf Games

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Shaganappi Scramble 
A foursome is a team that plays against the other foursomes at our Men's League play. The team must use each member's net score 4 times...the remaining …

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Visit our page on Golf Balls to learn ALL you need to know to determine which ball is best suited to your unique swing speed and style of play. 

Then visit Lost Golf Balls below to buy used golf balls in the quality suited to your game and the quantity required to keep your bag full. 




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Stableford Format 

Points are awarded for each score on every hole. You can use any modification for points awarded (or subtracted) on every hole, but the R&A and the USGA award points as follows:

The Nassau

Probably the best known and most widely played game between friends.

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